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You deserve a prize just for being an interface designer

A student asked me once about how long it takes to be a good interface designer. Well let me see. Probably about 25 to 30 years. You have to be master at human psychology. Obviously a long degree in graphics and communications is essential. A bachelor in computer programming helps. Engineering is a must and you cannot avoid having a deep understanding of marketing economics. So maybe 30 years is too short.

You deserve a prize just for being an interface designer

The paradox about great interface design is that it is best - when nobody notices. They think that things are just easy to use. People really only take notice of the quality of interface when it is really crappy and impossible to get a decent response. Even on a global scale there are in fact very few public authorities who have not been plagued by weak and thoughtless interface. This includes hospitals, tax, justice and most city authorities. Add to that insurance companies and bank which have introduced digitalisation and online customer contact.

You deserve a prize just for being an interface designer

So what does it take to be a good interface designer? It's a crossover between science, art, culture and psychology. Where these disciplines mix, your get great creativity. And that creativity is exactly why the GDA Interface Awards have been established. No matter if it's a website design, or app or complex farming machinery or sales point. If you have done some awesome design and feel that you should get the recognition you deserve, then send in an application. The deadline is the 9th May, at 9.00 am. Easy to remember.

You deserve a prize just for being an interface designer


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