Ok, yes you are right. The word "date" has many meanings that cover a wide variety of situations. For sure, there can be dates that we want to forget, but usually the word date covers a lot of positive emotions. At GDA we want to make it easy for you to remember an important date.

So we chose the 9th of most months in the year. The 9th at 9 o'clock am is when the applications for GDA awards have to be received. That simple fact makes it so easy to remember and use. Why exactly the 9th? Well we found that most other events are arranged very different days of the week. Usually on even dates and often at the end of month or the beginning. The 9th seems to be a very free and independent date. It is right for independent people like you.

Check out the GDA categories and find the right one for you or your company and let us hear from you. On the 9th - at 9 am.
#AnUnforgettableDate #9th #NetZero2050 #CarbonNegative2050 #CarbonNeutral2050 #ClimateNeutral2050 #PostPandemic #GDAawards #GreatDesignAwards #MobileTechAward #IDproductDesignAward #UserInterfaceAward #DesignThinkingAward #DesignForCareAward #PackagingDesignAward #GreenDesignAward #RoboticsDesignAward #ESGactionAward