The 1700's had Mozart, Bach and more in Europe. In the Orient, the Qing dynasty had refreshed the Ming culture. Art in the 1800's was expressed through the Impressionist paintings of France and engineering. Ok, Beethoven as well. What form can be said to dominate in the 1900's? Film, perhaps, or the modern movement in architecture.
What of the present century? The expressive artistic culture of our age is industrial design. The design of our products that we use in our daily surroundings has become the true expression of our lifestyles, morality, ethics and our culture. When that design reaches its peak as in the some smart phones, cars, trains and furniture then we can all see artifacts that will transcend the centuries on a par with the Impressionists and the classical composers of the past.
The intrinsic depth of aesthetics in these objects and product reaches beyond the pure function of the objects. Creative quality touches the soul and as such the design of our surroundings and the things we use reflects on us all. You can say that the intellect of an age can seen in is art. In our age we have managed to combine expressive form and technology into a signal art form. The last people to do that were people like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. And us.
Is this an exaggeration? At GREAT DESIGN AWARDS we don't think so. Beauty and aesthetic quality reaches out over time. The designers and the companies which produce our physical environment have a huge responsibility to get things right. That needs recognition, because it is not an easy undertaking. So send in your work, your finished products, your ideas, your concepts. Let us know your thinking and how they affect people.
Apply for the GDA Product Design Award. The deadline is the 9th April at 09.00 Universal Time. Do it now.
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