Most of us have said that at one time or another. It isn't really a question of regret, it is more that with hindsight, things could have gone better. Now is a great time to take the positive and active decision to apply for the GDA Awards. The next one is the GDA Interface Design Award that goes to user friendliness in general. An app that actually works. A website that doesn't confuse. A control panel on a device at home where you don't need the multilingual manual. The controls for an industrial machine. It can be whatever.

Timing is everything. In relationships, in politics, in business, in study and in entertainment. Timing is also crucial in your development as a designer and engineer. Getting the right accolades for your career, your job and your business is the way to create success. The GDA Awards are established with that in mind. Whether you want to push your products on the market or just boost your CV, the GDA Awards are the right tool. Get your timing right and make your application.

The next deadline is the 9th May. Do something great!! By 9.00 am

#IfOnlyIhadDoneThatInTime #TimingIsEverything #InterfaceDesigner #ScienceArtCulturePsychology #WebsiteDesign #App #FarmingMachinery #SalesPoint #UserInterfaceAward #VidenskabKunstKulturPsykologi #HjemmesideDesign #Landbrugsmaskiner #Salgssted #Brugergrænsefladepris #インターフェイスデザイナー #科学 #芸術 #文化 #心理学 #ウェブサイトデザイン #アプリ #農業機械 #セールスポイント #ユーザーインターフェイス賞 #9th #GDAawards #CarbonNegative2050 #GreatDesignAwards #ネットゼロ2050 #PostPandemic