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GDA ESG Action Award 2022

The GDA ESG Action Award is awarded to companies and organisations who seek to include a wider sense of responsibility in their activities. This includes the environment, sustainability, carbon reduction and also many social factors such as equality, opportunity and lack of discrimination in addition to safe working practices.

GDA Award 2022

Running through the entire program is a freshness policy which is designed to amplify shelf life quality in the supermarket. Environmentally, the program is predicted to reduce 600 metric tons of meat waste annually in retail supermarkets.

Socially the policy is to emphasize consumer participation. A considerable percentage of profits from consumer sales is donated 3/4 to animal insurance institutions. In addition primary and secondary school education on quality produce is promoted. Furthermore, the program has set up a sheltered workshop for food processing to provide disadvantaged job opportunities.

The core of Global ESG is intelligent matching, transparent accountability and digital certification. The program pursues social investment as a sustainable model. The services with the program are based on the needs of society, reducing food waste and promoting, environmental and animal protection.

The environmental impact of the UVD Robot is also a quantum leap in the field of disinfection. Previously disinfection has carried out using toxic and semi-toxic chemicals and cleaning agents. These need to be handled with great care by the staff, but in disposal these toxic disinfection agents are extremely harmful to the drainage system, waste systems and the environment.

UV-C radiation can be harmful for people and for that reason, the robot is equipped with the most advanced sensors and user control system so that the robots can only operate in enclosed spaces and out of the range of staff and patients. The positive aspect is that the UVD robot can disinfect autonomously, so freeing up staff for more human treatment and more meaningful tasks than just cleaning. Experience has shown that by replacing labour-intense onerous tasks with human contact and responsible tasks, the perceived job quality of the staff is greatly optimised.

Originally the design work on developing the UVD Robot started in 2019 and production came online in the middle of 2020. This turned out to be perfect timing to deal with the Covid 19 pandemic.

The Win Time product is the first fire extinguishing agent which based entirely on natural organic plant chemicals. This product really is a significant step forward in environmental standards.

The social impact of Win Time’s development is two-fold. Firstly, the actual product is proving to be an even better extinguishing agent than the older toxic agents that it replaces. Secondly, Win Time vision is tackling the toxicity problems faced by firefighting all over the world.

Win Time is a family company insisting on green sustainability, energy saving, carbon reduction, and circular economy. In manufacture, Win Time sources plant-based fire extinguishing agents from farms that are properly managed and certified.

A major factor in this award is however that the book, authored by the artist Wandou Ya, can be considered as an art installation/event. In the book, the artist herself is expressing a body language which alternates between supplementing the text message and contradicting the written word. In this way the reader/observer is invited to find their own interpretation.

The main impact of the artwork/book is in the social aspect of giving expression to an advanced view of gender equality. Wandou Ya rails again conventional thinking. This also embraces the conventions of the #MeToo community and what she calls the protective hegemony of the digital media. Wandou Ya seeks to bring more femininity into feminism. One notable point is that the domain of LGBTIA+ is barely touched upon as such. The focus in Wandou Ya’s authorship seems not to be one of gender or cross-gender nomenclature but one of individual recognition and expression.

The artist boldness of Wandou Ya in creating this work has to be shared also with the publisher 70Media. In her home country of Taiwan, the book would be greatly censored by the authorities in the some of the illustrations are revealing. Recognition must therefore also go to the Danish publisher for exercising the freedoms of speech and utterance that are at the foundation of Danish and European democracy.

GDA Awards

The GDA AWARDS organisation is for the 21st century. The multiple challenges of today are often answered by talented forward-looking people. Unique thinkers and first movers. People who make solutions rather than those who consume passively. The GDA AWARDS are designed to give recognition to those individuals, designers and companies who actually care and strive to do something positive.

For a world where ideas can be exchanged instantly. GDA embraces both the UN's 17 World Goals and also the 2050 zero carbon targets. GDA is also about empowering the individual in using design for the good. And sharing those ideas. For a totally different climate and sustainable lifestyle.




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