Running an enterprise properly has always been a challenge. An equal challenge is that the qualities you have achieved also have to be visible to the outside world of customers, shareholders and the press. ESG seems to be making both these challenges easier. ESG stands for Environmental, Social and company Governance, in other words responsive leadership. At the same time, many companies today have allied ESG to the United Nations 17 targets for Sustainable Development. These parallel ideas, ESG and the 17 UN goals are being used increasingly as a guiding light for enlightened managements.

You will notice that many leading companies are coupling ESG annual reports to their financial accounts also. Banks and sources of finance are also looking closely at how a company's ESG profile and ESG strategy are being implemented. Share-markets, investment companies, pension funds and also your customers are also using ESG metrics to measure the present viability and future potential of companies. What this boils down to a need to be able to communicate your ESG status and your ESG potential outwards to other decision makers, whether they are your customers, your suppliers or your bank. That is the reason for the GDA ESG Action Award to be created. The Award is an indication of your movement in that right direction. It is a VITAL communication tool in being to signal that your company is on the right track and worth doing business with.

Remember that it isn't enough to be right. You have to be seen to be right. The GDA ESG Action Award gives you a good template for indicating that your company is moving seriously in that right direction - for your co-workers, your customers, your shareholders and for the planet. Apply now for the GDA ESG Action Award.

#VitalCommunicationTool #YouHaveToBeSeenToBeRight #LeadingYourCompanyESGmakesItEasier #EnvironmentalSocialGovernance #ResponsiveLeadership #UnitedNations17TargetsForSustainableDevelopment #領導您的公司ESG讓一切變得更容易 #響應式領導 #聯合國17項可持續發展目標 #重要的溝通工具 #你必須被看到你正在執行正確的事 #環境社會和治理 #AtLedeDinVirksomhedESGgørDetNemmere #LydhørLedelse #VitaltKommunikationsværktøj #DuSkalSesForAtHaveRet