Design for Care is the basic essence of all good design - caring for the people. The winners of the GDA award demonstrate care at its best. From the design of a whole town to the care of children at school.
Xiang Xi Bao is a small town in southern China where time has stood still. Once a busy river port, the town lost all relevance when that trade disappeared and is now a very valuable historical place. For decades, the town stood unchanged for most of the 20th century. The main challenge was how to carry out a major restoration of the town and at the same time, to care of the entire community. It was essential to care for the people and let them remain in place during any construction work. To do so, the designers concentrated on the common spaces between existing inhabited buildings, the squares, and the alleys. To this was added the many abandoned houses. The buildings to be restored first were those which today had no roofs and were uninhabited ruins. In this way the fabric of the community was quickly regenerated and rapidly attracts revenue. With increased inward investment comes jobs, income, and grants for the population. | |
Handguards for children with cancer greatly reduce number of patients that become entangled with tapes during intravenous medication. When tapes are removed, the skin will appear red, swollen, painful, and allergic. The result is often discomfort and pain for the children. From research into ergonomic use for children aged 0-18, the multi-segment wristband design helps to effectively lock the wrist and four knuckles, so that the wristband does not fall off during the child's movement of the wrist and fingers. It also helps the nursing staff to clearly observe the speed and flow of infusion in the pipeline, and scan the QRcode to view pictures, texts, videos, and improve the dissemination of health education information. | |
This project is an excellent example of Design for Care bringing together the care of at least two generation. The concept is a multi platform idea which links the digital technology of today (and tomorrow) with the familiarity of the book. It presents a wonderful way of encouraging generations to communicate with the tech that they know best - to the benefit of all. The book and its app are designed to bring people and families together and to record and enjoy their shred the 30,000-day adventure through life. Through the journey where the chapters range from childhood, adolescence, adulthood to old age, drawing portraits of the elders, family trees, etc. Carers such as medical and social workers have a better understanding of the points along the journey as recorded. The software carefully integrates dementia detection games into the fun, three-dimensional inputs. This helps many children, troubled teenagers and also the older generations. The co-create activity is designed to enhance emotional relationships across the generations. | |
GDA Awards | The GDA AWARDS organisation is for the 21st century. The multiple challenges of today are often answered by talented forward-looking people. Unique thinkers and first movers. People who make solutions rather than those who consume passively. The GDA AWARDS are designed to give recognition to those individuals, designers and companies who actually care and strive to do something positive.
For a world where ideas can be exchanged instantly. GDA embraces both the UN's 17 World Goals and also the 2050 zero carbon targets. GDA is also about empowering the individual in using design for the good. And sharing those ideas. For a totally different climate and sustainable lifestyle. |
Contacts | GDA: Charlotte Seymour |
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