Social Impact and Equality Award
Igbo Technologies Ltd
Designers / Creators / Authors / Leaders
Emeka Achebe

Outlying communities in central Africa often have challenges with dependable water supplies. The long term solution is better well drilling and piped water. However, many smaller communities still need supplementary water distribution. The AquaBOT has been developed to address this need. The AquaBOT is an autonomous all-terrain vehicle comprising a huge water tank on an electric drive-train. Navigation is by boosted GPS. Its movements are programmed by the local water company in response to APP based demands from the communities it services. Trails in Nigeria have should significant improvements to the water supplies and much reduced costs.
Recent trails in Nigeria have should significant improvements to the water supplies and much reduced costs.
The development has been carried out with aid from some rural development funds but most of the technology and software development has been carried out locally in the Ibo communities thus retaining a high degree of social impact and independence in that further developments and repairs can be carried out within the communities themselves rather than by outside sources.